The Insurance Platform


New Programs



One place for your insurance management needs

claims management screens

Claims Management

financials screens


digital portal screens

Digital Portal & Application Process

premium billing screens

Premium Billing

policy issuance screens

Policy Issuance & Signature

rating engine screens

Rating Engine

data management screens

Data Management


Explore how AI revolutionizes insurance processes, enhances customer experiences, and drives efficiency in the insurance industry. We automate large aspects of your process so you get time back.

Invoice Auditing

Received an invoice from defense counsel? Forward the email to AI Insurance and we’ll read it, parse it, and upload it.

Then, we’ll audit the line items against your defense counsel guidelines. No more paying legal fees outside of your guidelines!

Application Parsing

Just drag-and-drop received applications into AI Insurance and we’ll extract all the data and populate your application.

Indemnity Prediction

We’re 25% more accurate than adjusters. Once you’ve been on AI Insurance for at least a year, we can predict the cost of your claims using AI and offer you recommendations.

AI Insurance has been built solely to meet the needs of insurance programs and can easily be configured to meet your specific objectives

Free claims management for <25 claims/year

Unlimited custom report building

Unlimited data and document storage

One place for all your insurance management needs

Unlimited users and logins

Permission every function

AI-backed automation

Self-reconciling billing and invoicing


In record time, AI Insurance delivered an intuitive, easy-to-navigate platform that allows us to view, edit, manipulate, and understand all of our data with a minimal amount of clicks. My first impression was “it's beautiful!”

Julie Bordo

CEO of PCH Mutual RRG

AI Insurance developed a claims management system that is so refined and easy to use that we were able to bring claims in-house—a tremendous benefit to our company.


I have only glowing things to say about the company, its CEO, and their dedication to our industry, innovation and providing the most high-quality software to meet our evolving needs.


After 18 years in the industry, as a Program Manager and TPA for several PL/GL programs, AI Insurance has proven to be the best choice for the software system for Magnolia and its clients. We have no regrets and have found the staff at AI to be phenomenally responsive in addressing any questions or issues and I can heartily recommend AI.

Robert Bates

President of Magnolia LTC

I am beyond speechless. This would make our claims manager business incredible.

Liability Claims Adjuster

AI Insurance is the best platform we've used to manage our clients, their claims and policies, all synced together in one place and supported by a great team!

Michael Richards

President, Westwood Insurance Group

I'm just absolutely floored. I love it, I love the system.

Liability Claims Adjuster

I've seen lots of systems in my long career and that's stunning.

Fronting Carrier CEO

I have not seen any other platform that appears to have what you have

Carrier CEO

I am blown away with your system.

Program Manager

Want to learn more?

AI Insurance

Insurance Management Platform
Copyright ©2022 All rights reserved


San Francisco, CA
(415) 273 - 9840